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In this video, we tackle a popular geometry problem that has been circulating online. The problem involves finding the ratio of shaded areas inside a parallelog...
CBSE Class 9 maths Video Lectures in Hindi ( As per School Syllabus) : Number Systems, Polynomials, Coordinate Geometry, Linear Equations, Euclid's Geometry, Li...
पाली। शहर में रविवार को मौसम के दो रूप दिखे। लोग जब सुबह उठे त...
This video is all about basic geometry. Geometry here is described in simple manner with adequate examples. Basic geometry is explained in continued videos. Com...
The most important details in this chapter are that the narrator is Mary Phagan-Kean, a great niece of William Jackson Phagan and Angelina O'Shields Phagan. At ...